Cloud Security – Advanced Strategies for Protecting Your Data

cloud security
June 10, 2024

Data breaches spiked in 2023, and one of the primary reasons for this uptick was an accelerating global reliance on cloud storage. There was a 20% increase in data breaches from 2022 to 2023. In addition, more than 80% of these data breaches involved data stored in the cloud.  

However, cybersecurity methods and measures also began evolving in 2023  as cybersecurity and cloud technologies became increasingly intertwined.  In addition, the past year highlighted the rise of cloud computing security concerns, and the need for organizations to adopt an advanced could security strategy that addresses the evolving landscape of cloud-based threats. 

An expert in cloud computing and network security can ensure that proactive measures are in place to protect your data and your organization’s ability to function.  

Managed cloud security services can take multiple forms, from utilizing cloud-managed data center services to contracting cloud security providers. Therefore, the best cloud cybersecurity companies provide many solutions and options tailored to your organization’s requirements and distinctive pain points. 

In the meantime, it’s helpful to understand the various threats to cybersecurity in cloud computing and what strategies you can adopt now to avoid a crisis. 

Common cybersecurity issues in cloud computing 

Cyberattacks are continually becoming more common, more frequent, and more advanced. Common cyberthreats when it comes to cloud computing include the following: 

  • Inadequate identity, access, and credential management – Access management issues at varying endpoints can easily allow unauthorized users to gain entry to sensitive data and cloud resources. 
  • Vulnerabilities in the cloud provider’s infrastructure – Public (and private) cloud providers have their own cybersecurity measures in place to protect users whenever possible, but there are always vulnerabilities. Unpatched software, misconfigured systems, and other cloud infrastructure issues can allow cybercriminals to gain access to cloud systems. 
  • Interface and API issues – Cloud services are accessed through varying APIs or interfaces, which can be a common and significant vulnerability point if they are poorly designed and managed.  
  • User error – Effective phishing, malware, SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and other attacks are on the rise. Also, it takes just one weak spot or one victim in your vast network of endpoint users for an effective cyberattack to spread.  

Cybersecurity impact analysis 

Security breaches can have long-lasting and detrimental impacts on your organization. In addition to any downtime that may disrupt operations for an untold period (as well as extra costs to retrieve and restore data and systems), the costs can trickle down to all aspects of your organization.

Your clients, customers, and affiliates can be affected in many ways.  As such, your organization can sustain permanent reputational damage, and you may be subjected to legal issues depending on industry regulations and the extent of the cyberattack. 

Comprehensive security strategies to protect your data 

When it comes to broad-stroke initiatives to keep your cloud data and systems safe, here is a sample of initiatives you can take now that will go a long way in protecting your organization. 

Understand the shared responsibility model of your cloud provider 

This is an especially crucial step if you rely on a public or hybrid cloud services provider. The shared responsibility model establishes the different security-related responsibilities for the cloud provider and the customer. By clearly defining these responsibilities, the provider and the customer can ensure that their end of overall security measures have been addressed. 

Many leading IaaS and PaaS providers have documentation to define these roles and responsibilities. When relying on a cloud provider for data storage (or multiple providers, which is becoming the norm), be sure to review this documentation and ask questions to ensure there are no gaps in security controls.  

Review and secure your endpoints 

Your organization’s endpoints, such as laptops, desktops, tablets, and mobile devices, are the frontlines for your users to access and engage with cloud-based data.  Since these are direct connections, it’s essential to have extensive security measures in place to avoid unauthorized access.

This requires a comprehensive and in-depth security strategy covering elements like access control, firewalls, encryption measures, and much more. An expert in cloud cybersecurity services can help you navigate this challenging terrain and ensure adequate security measures are in place. 

Embrace advanced infrastructure security solutions 

There are many cutting-edge solutions for cloud cybersecurity providing new and heightened protection barriers regarding cyberthreats.  

 These advancements include biometric access controls, which use a person’s physical traits like fingerprints or facial features to gain access, and AI-powered threat detection systems. By opting for the most advanced cybersecurity solutions possible, you can be a step ahead when it comes to cyberthreats.  

Review regulatory compliance and standards 

Adherence to international standards and compliance regulations (such as GDPR or HIPAA) can strengthen cloud security and, in some cases, may even be necessary for your organization, depending on your industry.  

For example, organizations that deal with sensitive data – like healthcare or financial information – may be required by law to take specified and enhanced cybersecurity measures. Being aware of these global standards – as well as any legal requirements – will help ensure that your bases are covered when it comes to broad security measures. 

Consult with the best cloud security providers to ensure you are protected 

Above all else, when it comes to an ever-changing landscape of cloud computing security concerns, you need an expert to ensure that all aspects of your organization are covered.  

Don’t just do a general search for “cybersecurity services near me” and filter through the endless results. Instead, start a conversation with a leading expert in the field who is aware of and ahead of the advancing cybersecurity threats and has access to the most advanced tools and strategies for complete protection. 

Cybersecurity in Cloud Computing with our Experts at DartPoints 

Embracing advanced security measures in cloud computing is a growing necessity, especially after an evolving spike in data breaches when it comes to cloud storage.  

Reach out to our team today to start the conversation and identify the many solutions available at your disposal to protect your organization’s systems and data. With DartPoints, we’ll be your continual 24/7 resource for all security initiatives and will ensure that your organization is on the leading edge of protection when it comes to cybersecurity in cloud computing.   

Contact us today!