The Essential Guide to Microsoft 365 Backup

Microsoft 365 data backup
April 8, 2024

Microsoft Office 365 is one of the most widely and continually used platforms in the business world. However, its cloud-based suite of productivity tools is not immune from security threats that can infiltrate every aspect of a company’s operations. 

An alarming 85% of organizations using Microsoft Office 365 have suffered email data breaches, per a 2021 study. Also, 93% of organizations who used Microsoft Office 365 reported negative impacts following an email data breach, compared to 84% of organizations who did not have Microsoft Office 365 accounts. 

Most companies’ work and productivity are reliant on Microsoft 365. However, organizations naturally build and collect a huge amount of data directly tied to their Microsoft Office 365 accounts and applications. 

This is why it’s imperative to have solid Microsoft Office 365 backup and recovery solutions in place. 

There are many ways to implement Microsoft Office 365 backup solutions, and how to back up Office 365 data is often best tackled with the assistance of an expert. This is where the pivotal role of DartPoints, powered by Veeam’s advanced technology, can help bridge the gap in Microsoft 365’s data protection abilities.  

In the meantime, here’s a closer look at how organizations can protect their depths of data in the event of a cyberthreat or security breach with varying Microsoft Office 365 cloud backup solutions and other Microsoft 365 backup initiatives. 

Understanding Microsoft 365’s Backup Capabilities   

Contrary to common belief, data that is hosted in the cloud isn’t immune to breaches or loss. In fact, it is susceptible to many of the exact same risks that your on-premises data faces. 

Microsoft provides a wide range of compliance tools to protect and maintain your data over a set time. However, there are distinctions between these inherent features and more comprehensive Microsoft Office backup and restore solutions. 

Microsoft has a Shared Responsibility Model to help their account holders fully understand where responsibility for data protection effectively lies.  In short, Microsoft is primarily responsible for maintaining its infrastructure ensuring that these services are accessible and protected from issues that stem directly from Microsoft. This leaves some noticeably big gaps, especially when it comes to routine backup for Office 365 and other Office 365 backup options. 

Ultimately, the legal and functional responsibility of protecting a company’s data is up to the company – not Microsoft – so it’s imperative to have an effective backup and recovery plan that can be deployed at any time when needed.  

Six Big Reasons Why It’s Critical to Back Up Microsoft 365 

Accidental User Deletion  

Suppose you accidentally delete a user (or even intentionally delete a user). In that case, this action is duplicated across your network and includes deleting their OneDrive for Business accounts and mailboxes. Yes, there is a native recycle bin, but this provides limited recovery options. Therefore, chances are high that all a deleted user’s data is permanently gone. 

Employee Miseducation 

There are continually evolving guidelines and rules to ensure that all data is properly managed and retained and that every employee in your organization fully understands these ever-changing rules, which is a challenge.  

Outside Security Threats  

Outside or external security threats are continuously growing in number, complexity, and effectiveness, and this trend shows no signs of slowing down. Even with company-wide educational initiatives that advise your team for signs to watch for, hackers and viruses can always infiltrate these barriers. As remote workplaces become more common and organizations use multiple devices, from cell phones to desktops, to connect with Microsoft 365, these threats become more prevalent. 

Ensuring a strong cybersecurity plan and data recovery solution is in place, with regular backup for Office 365 across the board, is the only substantial way to mitigate these risks. 

Inside Security Threats  

Most organizations focus on external threats like viruses and hackers when they think of cybersecurity. However, inside or internal threats can also pose risks to a company’s vast amounts of data. Whether it’s accidental or intentional, employees can very easily succumb to possible threats, such as deceptive emails and attachments, which can spread and create an organization-wide problem.  

Legal and Compliance Considerations 

Many industries dealing with sensitive data, such as medical care providers and partners, financial institutions, or law offices, have extra security and data backup and recovery regulations that must be adhered to avoid legal issues.  

Microsoft does have a few built-in safety nets in this arena (namely litigation hold and retention), but it is likely that organizations that handle sensitive data need a better backup solution to comply with any industry-specific regulations. 

The Data Structure of Microsoft Teams 

The use of Microsoft Teams skyrocketed during the Coronavirus pandemic, and as more employees continue to shift to working remotely, Team remains ever popular. Microsoft has structured Teams as a user interface combining a wide realm of Microsoft 365 services, like SharePoint Online and OneDrive, to offer the most productive and efficient tool possible.  However, this interconnection means that a security or data loss issue with Teams can also spiderweb to kinds of other data. As a result, it’s essential to select a purpose-built backup solution that can cover the Teams data and handle associated connections between all Microsoft applications. 

Veeam for Microsoft Office 365 Backup  

Veeam’s backup solutions for Office 365 are specifically designed to ensure no aspect of your data is left unsecured. From emails and files to SharePoint sites, Veeam’s technology creates the best security for your data, safeguarding against accidental deletions, cybersecurity breaches, and other unexpected incidents that could lead to data loss.  

Together, DartPoints and Veeam deliver a Microsoft 365 backup solution that meets the technological demands of today’s online world and addresses the operational and strategic needs of businesses.  

Establish a Plan to Routinely Backup Office 365  

This is where DartPoints can help. 

Since Microsoft Office 365 was not designed to provide infallible data protection services, constantly relying on the Office 365 platform without adopting enterprise-grade backup solutions results in company-wide risks that can halt operations.  

DartPoints is an expert in providing comprehensive Microsoft Office 365 backup solutions to preserve your Exchange, SharePoint, and OneDrive data by regularly backing it up to our cloud. In addition, we use advanced and recently launched Veeam technology to confirm that every piece of data can be easily and quickly recovered. (And we can recover all your lost data anytime – 24/7/365.) 

Reach out to us today to start a discussion about how you use Microsoft Office 365, where your pain points and major areas of risk are, and how we can fill in the gaps. With constant customer support and the best expertise in the cybersecurity world, we can ensure that even if a threat turns into a catastrophe, all your essential data will be recovered and back at your fingertips.  

Contact us today.