Partnering with DartPoints Fulfills Clients’ Security and Compliance Requirements

August 15, 2021

Marketing Agency

enrollmentFUEL provides enrollment strategies and tools to colleges and universities
nationwide. The company was founded to help schools find prospective students and to
help students on their journey through the admissions process. Working in the virtual world, and with a focus on digital marketing, enrollmentFUEL depends on secure, always on access to their data.


Securing Student Data

enrollmentFUEL regularly works with student data from the schools they serve, and it is critical to their clients that this data is protected, secure and always available for use in digital and marketing campaigns. Because they work with colleges and universities across the U.S., enrollmentFUEL’s data storage solution must meet each individual state’s data privacy requirements.

As a smaller business that strives to provide concierge service to their clients, it was important for enrollmentFUEL to find a provider whose business values mirrored their own. They needed an IT team behind them who would be responsive and quick, and since enrollmentFUEL’s sales often depend on meeting clients’ requirements for compliance, network security, internet responsiveness and disaster recovery policies, their provider must deliver secure and reliable solutions.


Ultra-Reliable, Highly Secure Cloud

enrollmentFUEL chose DartPoints as their cloud partner because of their proximity in Asheville, NC. Additionally, they felt DartPoints’ business model was a great fit—they were large enough to provide enterprise-class solutions, yet could still deliver nimble service and support. The DartPoints Cloud helps enrollmentFUEL secure their customer’s sensitive student data and meet compliance regulations like GDPR and other state privacy acts.

DartPoints’ ultra-reliable, high-performance cloud provides enrollmentFUEL real-time access to their data, enabling them to provide even better service to their clients.


Highest Levels of Security, Uptime and Compliance

  • 24/7/365 DartPoints’ support
  • High-performance DartPoints’ Cloud enables real-time access to data
  • Secure storage environment to protect student data
  • Compliance, security, internet responsiveness and DR requirements met through partnership with DartPoints