Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure: Its Growth, Its Benefit, and Our Vision

DartPoints Cloud Services
February 9, 2022

Hybrid cloud infrastructure is reshaping the way enterprises manage data, but how did the widespread adoption of this business model come about? The exact origin of cloud computing infrastructure is difficult to pinpoint, and it varies depending on the source. Some say it was initiated by Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider in the 1960s with his work on ARPANET; other accounts trace its origin to the late 1990s when companies were first provided access to different internet applications. And others still believe cloud computing wasn’t “officially” a term until 2006. 

But no matter its origin or the pioneers behind the technology, none could foresee the ambient impact cloud computing infrastructure — specifically hybrid cloud — would have and the global barriers it would break. Similarly, most of the world could not have predicted the speed at which the pandemic would propel the paradigm shift in today’s computing environment. 

Driving the Demand

The abrupt shift to remote working environments in 2020 triggered a critical need for greater cloud computing infrastructure capacity. Suddenly, cloud infrastructure management and planning were more crucial than ever. The cloud allowed organizations to merge existing processes with advanced digital technologies, providing flexibility and scalability to meet growing demands. Though many enterprises had previously adopted hybrid cloud, seemingly overnight, it became an essential part of business continuity and growth.

Many businesses that were struggling with data security and cost optimization problems turned to a hybrid cloud infrastructure, which combines the public cloud, private cloud, and colocation to create a flexible and cost-effective infrastructure solution. This model provides effective data storage, transit, and security, which was — and is — integral in maximizing enterprise efficiency and productivity while meeting security and compliance requirements. Many companies layered on more than one public cloud solution, developing a multi-cloud infrastructure strategy. 

According to the 2021 Hybrid Cloud Report, 93.7% of organizations said hybrid cloud has become a core enabler of their business strategy, and over half of C-suite executives agree that COVID-19 pushed their focus to technology during the pandemic. According to the report, cost efficiency is the top driver for the adoption of hybrid cloud, followed by security and compliance. In 2020, the global hybrid cloud market was valued at $52 billion, and it’s expected to reach $145 billion in 2026. 

Maintaining Momentum

Hybrid cloud infrastructure isn’t just a short-term technology management solution. Hybrid cloud makes it possible for enterprises to continuously move, revise, and redeploy workloads to best suit needs through all business cycles, supporting growth and dips on demand. In fact, according to a recent study by IBM, companies derive up to two and half times the value from hybrid cloud than from a single-cloud, single-vendor approach.

As enterprises grow and evolve, effective data storage, transit, and security remain integral in maximizing efficiency and productivity. Hybrid cloud infrastructure helps them achieve all of that, while meeting security and compliance requirements. Market Research Future expects the global hybrid cloud market size to reach $173.33 billion with a compound annual growth rate of 22.25% from 2019–2025.

A well-integrated and balanced hybrid cloud infrastructure strategy gives businesses the best of both worlds — scaling further and faster by combining the public cloud’s innovative and flexible services with the cost efficiency, reaction speed, and security the private cloud provides.

Understanding the Hybrid Cloud & Digital Next 

Alongside the adoption of hybrid solutions, data center providers like DartPoints have evolved to deliver cloud infrastructure management and other managed services. Discover how hybrid cloud for enterprise is a key pillar of DartPoints’ core Digital Next strategy. Whether you want to integrate physical infrastructure with the cloud or utilize private and public cloud resources, DartPoints will help manage and accelerate enterprise adoption on the digital transformation path. With Digital Next, we have combined cloud, interconnection, colocation, and managed services into one unique solutions suite.