FusionPoint Case Study

Edge Network Data Centers Dallas TX
August 16, 2021


Founded in 2006, FusionPoint provides data management, visualization and analytics services to help companies transform big data into valuable business information. They have helped harmonize and integrate databases for some of the most well-known brands in the nation.


Uptime and Security Requirements

FusionPoint’s clientele runs the gamut from marketing research to healthcare, consumer packaged goods, retail and beyond. Each of them entrusts FusionPoint to facilitate and host the data their business runs upon, and expects it to be readily available, 24/7. Since that includes sensitive and Personally Identifiable Information (PII,) FusionPoint needed a colocation partner that could provide a secure, compliant hosting environment, plus meet the uptime and availability requirements their clients depend on.


Connectivity Anytime, Anywhere

Selecting a partner that is large enough to provide serious data security and redundancy, yet still maintains a personal connection to their customers was important to FusionPoint, so they chose DartPoints for colocation at their Charleston, SC data center. In doing so, FusionPoint can rest assured their clients’ sensitive data is secure in DartPoints’ fully redundant, SOC 2 Type 2 compliant data center facility. Connectivity through DartPoints’ dedicated Tier 1 network provides the availability their clients expect in order to access their data at any time and from anywhere.

By incorporating Server Management and Managed Security into their solution, FusionPoint also gained an extension of their IT team. While they still maintain oversight of their hosted data, they can rely on DartPoints to perform the day-to-day operations and ensure their clients’ data is at optimal security.


Optimal Performance and Security

  • FusionPoint can confidently boast to prospective clients that their critical and sensitive data will be hosted in an enterprise-level data center that provides maximum security, compliance and uptime.
  • High-performance network connection to meet 24/7 data availability demands
  • Managed servers and security monitoring for optimal performance and security

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