Family Dental Health Case Study

Family Dental Health Case Study
August 16, 2021

Dental Care

Since 2005, Family Dental Health (FDH) has provided general and cosmetic dentistry services to families in the Greenville, SC area. Voted Best in the Upstate in 2017, Family Dental Health is committed to providing excellent dental care to the Greenville community.


Protecting Patient Data

Family Dental Health was managing their IT in-house and needed a tech refresh. The maintenance and upkeep of their systems was taking up valuable time and staffing resources. They needed a solution that could free up their IT team to focus on business initiatives that would enhance the overall patient experience. From treatment plans to the X-ray photo system, all operations at FDH are centered around IT and patient data. They sought a reliable infrastructure provider who offered resource flexibility and had the security measures in place to meet standard public health requirements.


Compliance in the Cloud

FDH chose DartPoints as their provider to replace their in-house infrastructure with cloud and integrated managed services. They moved into DartPoints’ cloud environment which helps them meet the HIPAA and ePHI (electronic public health information) security regulations applicable to the dental care industry. The DartPoints’ Cloud delivers high availability and performance for office users to access patient data on FDH’s servers. For seamless migration, DartPoints’ engineers built site-to-site tunnels to each of the company’s 12 satellite locations.

DartPoints’ Cloud Management Tool gives FDH constant access to their virtual environment to monitor usage and scale resources on demand. DartPoints also provides monitoring and management of FDH’s servers, a virtual firewall and nightly backups for worry-free hardware upkeep and retention of mission-critical PHI data. On-going access to DartPoints’ technical experts gives FDH a valuable resource for insight on concept designs and project roll-outs.


Critical Data is Secure and Always Accessible

  • Outsourcing to DartPoints frees Family Dental Health’s internal IT team to focus on strategic initiatives and patient experience.
  • DartPoints’ Cloud environment helps FDH meet standard public health security requirements.
  • Cloud solution enables FDH the flexibility to scale resources quickly and on-demand

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