Disaster Recovery for Remote Workforces

disaster recovery plan for remote workforce
May 9, 2024

Working remotely is the new normal for many employees, and it is on the rise. In 2023, 12.7% of employees worked from home full-time, while 28.2% of employees worked remotely a portion of the time via a hybrid model. By 2025, 32.6 million Americans – or 22% of the workforce – are expected to work from home, and many more American employees would love to join the remote revolution. In fact, 98% of workers said they’d like to work remotely at least some of the time.  

However, working remotely offers an evolving world of challenges, starting with a heightened risk of data breaches and other cyberattack-related emergencies. With a remote workforce, internal IT teams can’t keep track of all potential issues or crises on the horizon like they can at a central brick-and-mortar location. Additionally, it’s much easier for a situation like a cyberthreat, natural disaster, or personal emergency to affect an employee or the entire organization. 

Data backup and disaster recovery solutions are crucial for remote workforces. 

Every organization should have a data backup and disaster recovery plan, but the importance of having a plan in place skyrockets when a remote workforce is involved. From cybersecurity to data backups and accessibility, here are the foundational elements of developing a disaster recovery plan for your full-time or part-time remote employees.  

What is a Disaster Recovery Plan, and Why is it Important? 

A disaster recovery plan is a detailed guide of how an organization will address an emergency, such as a natural disaster or data breach, which could affect its ability to conduct normal operations. 

 A fine-tuned disaster recovery plan should be multi-faceted and include the following:  

  • Protective measures to prevent emergencies  
  • Immediate actions should be taken when an emergency occurs  
  • A plan for getting back to normal operations as soon as possible 

Downtime in the workplace due to an emergency can be a critical situation. It hinders everyday operations but also has a trickle-down effect that impacts an organization’s revenue, customer service, and brand reputation – especially if clients or customers are directly (or even indirectly) affected. The primary goal of a disaster recovery plan is to prevent emergencies and reduce an organization’s potential downtime as much as possible so that business across the board is not detrimentally impacted. 

Disaster Recovery in a Remote Work Environment 

A disaster recovery plan has unique challenges to overcome in a remote work environment, which includes the following. 

Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities  

With multiple devices connected to a central online office in many ways, the risks of cybersecurity threats are inherently higher across the board in a remote work environment. A cyberattack that takes place on one remote employee’s workstation can filter through the company. Furthermore, checking every employee’s suite of devices can be impossible when the workforce is scattered around the country or the world. 

Data Accessibility and Integrity  

Whether one employee or an entire team is affected by a disaster – like a power outage or weather event – their ability to access data and do their jobs may be impacted. In addition, due to the heightened cybersecurity risks, there is inherently a heightened threat to data integrity, as a data breach can easily spiderweb through an organization’s connected channels. 

Communication Barriers During Emergencies  

Remote workforces naturally mean that communications during an emergency can become inherently more challenging.  For example, suppose there is a cyberthreat at a central brick-and-mortar location. In that case, it’s easy to inform everyone at the office of the following steps to immediately shut down the threat. However, in a remote workplace, where employees may work different schedules and obtain information in various ways (email, cell phone, etc.), immediate communication can be more challenging to achieve. 

Essential Components of a Remote Work Disaster Recovery Plan 

With these challenges in mind, there are a few essential components to consider when crafting a disaster recovery  plan for a remote workplace. 

Data Backup and Recovery Solutions  

Data backup and recovery are among the most critical aspects of any disaster recovery plan. It is where disaster recovery in the cloud may be the most effective. There are multiple models when it comes to storing your vast data in the cloud – particularly private, hybrid, and public cloud options. In addition, an exceptional resource like DartPoints can help you explore your options. We can ensure all your essential data and software are constantly monitored and automatically backed up so you can be up and running as soon as possible after an emergency without any data loss. 

Communication Protocols  

You’ll also need to include a detailed plan for communications during an emergency to ensure everyone on your remote team is on the same page. Consider utilizing multiple and simultaneous ways to send updates and imperative information, including instant messaging, SMS messages, emails, and so on – so that essential messages do not get lost in transition or translation. 

Employee Training and Awareness Programs  

Cybersecurity should be a priority for any remote work environment, and that starts with ensuring that all your employees are well-trained to watch out for any red flags. For example, any unusual but believable emails with attachments, phone phishing schemes, or even suspicious but easy-to-miss website links. (Like Gooogle.com as opposed to Google.com.) Make sure your employees are trained and educated on potential threats and primarily educated on the most common avenues that malicious actors use to gain access to an entire remote workforce. 

Finding Assistance in Developing a Disaster Recovery Plan for Your Workplace 

You can search for “disaster recovery companies near me” and filter through your options. However, when it comes to remote work environments, you want a disaster solutions provider available 24/7/365 so that you can address crises wherever – and whenever – they occur in your remote network of employees. 

DartPoints is Your Solid Resource for an Effective Disaster Recovery Plan 

At DartPoints, we offer the most comprehensive security, data backup, and disaster recovery initiatives available. We also provide constant 24/7/365 customer support for perpetual peace of mind. 

Reach out to our expert team today to start a discussion about your unique and remote work environment and allow us to help you fill in the blanks.  

With an expert resource at your side, you can create a complete strategy that will leave your employees well protected, regardless of any emergency that affects one remote worker or your entire team.  

Contact us today!