What to Consider When Choosing a Cloud Provider

cloud provider, cloud services, cloud computing
July 25, 2024

With more IT systems becoming externalized, cloud management services are becoming more popular and common than ever before. Shifting to a managed cloud service provider can allow your business to comfortably grow while expanding your inherent security, speed, and productivity. However, determining how to choose a cloud provider is not as straightforward as it may initially seem. 

There is a wide range of options when it comes to managed cloud services and cloud monitoring solutions. These options range from industry giants like Microsoft and Google, to more boutique and yet well-established and highly reputable organizations that allow for better, individualized cloud infrastructure. 

Before you immediately leap into cloud computing, you must examine your different options and keep the following guidelines in mind. This way, you can ensure your cloud solution partner meets your evolving requirements and optimally exceeds expectations.  

Establish an In-depth Understanding of Your Business Needs 

This might sound obvious, but understanding your business needs is more than a broad-strokes idea of what you will likely require in managed cloud services. Instead, you want to research the details of technical infrastructure, services, security, data governance, and service management requirements. Therefore, you can be armed with a list to ensure your cloud services provider stacks up to your organization.  

You’ll also want to identify your data types, volume of data, and processing needs, keeping in mind how these requirements change over time.  Hopefully, your organization will expand and continue to grow for many years to come, so you’ll want to ensure your cloud services provider is perfectly adaptable to future growth. 

Types of Cloud Services 

There are three general types of cloud services to consider: public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud. Let’s learn more about the different cloud services.  

Public Cloud

Public clouds are the most common form of cloud computing. They are usually owned and operated by a third-party provider. In a public cloud environment, the provider owns and maintains all hardware, software, and other supporting applications, and clients share access to this cloud architecture.  

Public clouds are cost-effective, but organizations may have little or no control over the cloud architecture itself. This can pose some security risks and limitations for businesses that require more individualized services and cloud infrastructure. 

Private Cloud

Private clouds refer to cloud computing resources solely used by a single company. All hardware and software are dedicated to a lone organization, and the cloud infrastructure and services are maintained on a private network. This provides more flexibility and control, and more enhanced and customizable cloud security solutions, provided your third-party cloud solutions provider is highly reputable. 

The main drawback tends to be the cost; however, it’s worth discussing whether a private cloud is the best option for your distinctive organization, as affordable private cloud solutions may be available from respected providers. 

Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud is exactly as it sounds. It generally combines on-premises infrastructure with a public cloud. A hybrid cloud allows data, information, and applications to move between the two cloud environments. Additionally, a hybrid cloud is one of the most popular options for businesses due to its inherent flexibility and ability to cater to an organization’s distinctive needs. 

How to Choose a Cloud Provider 

When choosing a cloud provider, evaluating their security features and compliance with industry standards is essential to ensure your data stays safe. Consider the scalability options they offer, as this will allow your infrastructure to grow seamlessly with your business needs. Let’s explore the factors you should examine when choosing a cloud provider.

Certifications and Standards 

Ensure that your cloud services provider complies with all recognized standards and quality frameworks and adheres to industry best practices, especially regarding security. In an ideal partnership, your cloud services provider should have established risk management policies, and a solid understanding of your business and what you want to accomplish. They should match these specifications with their technical expertise. 

Technical Capabilities and Processes 

You’ll want to make sure that your cloud service provider’s technologies and platforms align with your current and future environments and support your business objectives. Ensure all cloud architectures, standards, and services can cater to your workloads and management preferences and allow for future growth or changes.

Ideally, even if you don’t start with a hybrid cloud environment, it’s helpful if your provider offers all three options – private clouds, public clouds, and hybrid clouds. Therefore, you can adjust your services and solutions later if necessary.  

Security and Disaster Recovery Solutions 

Security is instrumental in cloud environments, so you must ensure your cloud service provider adheres to best practices and strict security policies. Ask detailed questions about your cloud service provider’s security measures and ensure that they align with any standards in your industry, mainly if you regularly deal with sensitive data.  

To be certain, you’ll want to ask about your provider’s security details and track record.  However, you’ll also want to ask about disaster recovery and cloud backup solutions for small businesses, or even large organizations.

An expert partner will have a solid security record and minimal downtime, but also have processes in place to preserve data, such as integrity checks, routine backups, and a concrete plan to restore services in case of an emergency. 

Contracts and Service Level Agreements 

The best cloud service providers will work with you to form a cloud services solution that is custom fit for your requirements, that aligns with your budget, and your long-term goals. So, have all the details outlined before you create a long-term partnership.  

Never sign a contract until you’ve had a detailed discussion about the backbone services and technologies essential to your business. The top-rated cloud service providers will have no problem starting with a conversation and a consultation and helping you find just the right fit for cloud computing solutions. 

Implement the Best Cloud Solutions with DartPoints  

DartPoints offers exceptional public, private, and hybrid cloud services solutions, and we’re happy to work with you to identify the best path forward for your distinctive organization.  

Connect with us today to get the ball rolling. Together, we can start your cloud services provider search with a time-tested partner who relies on the most advanced solutions possible, and exceptional client-focused service to help you achieve your long-term goals.  

Contact us today!