
Better Connection, Thriving Farms

Agriculture Is More Interconnected at the Edge

Seeding, fertilizing, and harvesting are often automated with precise measurement equipment to ensure that every inch of land produces the greatest yield possible. Poultry and dairy farms also rely on similar technology to ensure their livestock is properly fed, maintained, and growing at a healthy rate. If this equipment loses signal or encounters extreme latency, production is impacted. This downtime reduces profits for the farmer and drives up prices at the grocery store. DartPoints’ Edge Interconnection Data Centers enable quick and reliable connections in even the most remote locations while also empowering companies to continue to advance technology.

Agriculture Is More Interconnected at the Edge

Seeding, fertilizing, and harvesting are often automated with precise measurement equipment to ensure that every inch of land produces the greatest yield possible. Poultry and dairy farms also rely on similar technology to ensure their livestock is properly fed, maintained, and growing at a healthy rate. If this equipment loses signal or encounters extreme latency, production is impacted. This downtime reduces profits for the farmer and drives up prices at the grocery store. DartPoints’ Edge Interconnection Data Centers enable quick and reliable connections in even the most remote locations while also empowering companies to continue to advance technology.

Bring Your Network to the Edge & Create Growth

Helping You Grow Profit Organically

We’ve opened the door to network expansion for our ecosystem partners and enabled them to deliver high-speed data that livestock and agricultural farmers desperately need. Don’t wait until the next digital transformation occurs before establishing yourself in rural markets. We’ve minimized barriers of tier 2 – 4 market entry with a shared-cost model, local peering, and infrastructure as a service.

Enabling poultry farms to automate feeding and egg collection

Enabling livestock farms to measure growth and automate feeding

Enable dairy farms to automate milking and herd maintenance

Enable crop farmers to plow, fertilize, water, and assess their crop yield

Helping You Grow Profit Organically

We’ve opened the door to network expansion for our ecosystem partners and enabled them to deliver high-speed data that livestock and agricultural farmers desperately need. Don’t wait until the next digital transformation occurs before establishing yourself in rural markets. We’ve minimized barriers of tier 2 – 4 market entry with a shared-cost model, local peering, and infrastructure as a service.

Join Our Network

Discuss The Full Scope of Work

Schedule a Discovery Call

This is an opportunity for us to have an open and collaborative conversation about your goals, needs, and expectations. We will explore different aspects such as timelines, deliverables, budget considerations, and any specific requirements you might have. It’s important for us to align our understanding of the project so that we can provide you with the best possible solution.

Discuss The Full Scope of Work

Schedule a Discovery Call

This is an opportunity for us to have an open and collaborative conversation about your goals, needs, and expectations. We will explore different aspects such as timelines, deliverables, budget considerations, and any specific requirements you might have. It’s important for us to align our understanding of the project so that we can provide you with the best possible solution.